Monday, June 20, 2005


Originally uploaded by livecheapmakeart.
Another of Bob's beautiful photos. These were berries he found growing in a park here.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Rosemary & Bob,
I got back to your blog! Yea! We are doing fine & I can see you are both having a great time. (You mentioned that the lady at the office who was filling out forms for you, said she was surprised that your family wasn't from the northern part of Italy. She said that because you are so light. I guess you are supposed to be dark if you from southern Italy!) Also,Bob's photos & your watercolors are really great. Concerning your 'artistic endeavors':don't be too hard on yourself. Enjoy the view! This is a time to put all pressures aside. I'm enjoying your writing: thanks for helping me get your blog back! Take care.