Wednesday, June 01, 2005

Arrivederci Amici! 31 May 2005

Today, sadly is our last day of school. We said our tearful goodbyes last night to some of our friends who will not be there today. They are ready to move on, to take their planes, trains and automobiles to other cities, to other countries, and it worked best in their schedules to leave this morning and get an early start. Other places call to them, other sites to see, churches to visit, photos to take, as they continue on their journeys around the world or just throughout Europe. We wish them all "Buon Viaggio" and happy days, joyful futures. We feel as if we have made some wonderful friends and our lives have been enriched by the experience. We look forward now to future visits to their countries and hope they will come to ours. We will miss their daily presence in our life here. We still have Helena, our lovely, lovely young friend from Switzerland, and Eva and Anne (Holland and Germany) who will continue their studies here for a few months so we hope to have more time with them.

But now, we are off to our last day of school. We had our exam on Thursday last week and did pretty well. We aren't continuing with the classes because it is such a huge time commitment (even though the lessons are wonderful and truly needed!). We just want our time to ourselves to explore and travel about or simply sit and enjoy the garden, to spend more time painting and sketching and for Bob, taking photos. There is so much to see and do, we could be on the go every minute and hope to resist the urge to do that! Our lovely garden here is blooming with roses - red and pink and white; the grapes vines are full of leaves with tiny little clusters of grapes visible, the iris are incredible, geraniums and more and more. I want time to sit and enjoy this, to breathe in this place, this lovely, lovely place.


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