Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Welcome to our Blog!

Here we are in Sorrento, Italy, March 2007


Anonymous said...

I just discovered your blog a few months ago and spent 2 weeks reading all of it! Thank you for sharing your adventures and your art. We hope to spend a year in Italy at some point. Do you sell your art anywhere?

Rosemary said...

Thanks for your comment! And thanks for reading our blog. I hope you are checking back and seeing my reply. Good luck on your adventures. We do plan to sell our art and are in the process of putting together a website. The site will be called livecheapmakeart.com but it will be a while before we are up and running! We also hope to take part in fine art shows on the east coast and are open to any other suggestions from our readers!

Anonymous said...

Thnaks-I'll keep checking for your new site!

Rosemary said...

Thanks! We'll have to post a link from this site as well.

Jill said...

Ciao! Thanks for stopping by my site. Yes, Antonello and I are very happy here. I look forward to reading your blog again, we were off line for some time... Next week starts the "Festa della Vendemmia" and I hope to tell you all about it!

Take care,

Gennaro said...

i am italian
my name is gennaro
i living in puglia beautiful region in sud italia!!
ciao dall'italia!!!

see http://www.viaggiareinpuglia.it/

lexus said...

Hi, My husband and I met you at the Milton sidewalk art day. We enjoyed talking to you and have since read your blog and enjoyed it very much, We are planning our own return trip to find our families. Thanks for your e-mail ; we were hoping to see you again at Lewes but were out of town. We'd love to hear more . regards, Cami& Dave in Rehoboth

voyager said...

Hi Rosemary & Bob,

Very impressive blog & website.

Thank you for sharing your art and your experiences.

Warm Regards,

Jeanie Greenhaugh / 205 Lavinia

The Daily Rant said...

A friend of mine just sent me your blog thinking it would be of interest to me since I'm taking my first trip to Italy in October (2010).

I just wanted to tell you that although I love photography and think Bob's pictures are fantastic, I am really awed by your watercolors. They are just beautiful!

I can't wait to delve further into your blog posts.

Rosemary said...

Dear Daily Rant,
Thanks so much! I hope you have also visited our website! You can see more watercolors there. If I can answer any questions for you, please don't hesitate to write to me! My contact info is on the website.

I'd love to hear more about your trip to Italy!


AliMazhar said...
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