Sunday, May 07, 2006

Cinco de Mayo in Sicilia

Bob, a beer and a margarita. It's Cinco de Mayo!

A woman at La Cantina, checking out the handsome waiter.

We should have taken a "before shot." Here's the "aftermath."

1 comment:

Monica Morales, Mike King, & Blue Morales said...

Happy Belated Cinco de Mayo! This year instead of not celebrating, I actually went out to eat with my parents and had a wonderful time listening to the kids play from Mariachi Viva. These kids are from Mesa Public Schools and do a great job performing. Later on in the night I went out with my cousin Elizabeth and had a couple of margaritas to also celebrate the fact that I found out I'm not stuck here for the initial six years I thought I was. The Mesa Grow Your Own Teachers program I'm in told me that I may continue with the program until I graduate and won't be expected to teach in a Mesa Public School. This means that I can follow my dream of teaching over seas once I graduate in two years. Yeah! I've chosen Puerto Rico with Japan as a back up, but would love to do a two year term in Puerto Rico. If I play my cards right and work hard enough I can get my housing and transportation paid for.

Well that's all the news I have so far. Glad to hear that you both are having so much fun and enjoying the scenery there. Take care and stay safe!

~Monica M.